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Maybank Premier SaveUp Account

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Interest RateUp to 4.78% Attribute
Min. Deposit $1,000 Attribute

Last updated on 2023-05-04

Maybank Premier SaveUp Account Review

Pros Pros

Potentially high interest rate

High 4.53% p.a. bonus interest for taking up 4 eligible financial products

Cons Cons

Only for Maybank Premier clients

Bonus interest rates subjected to taking up 4 out of 9 financial products condition

Low 0.91% p.a. bonus interest for taking up 1 eligible financial product

Low 1.56% p.a. bonus interest for taking up 2 eligible financial products

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Deposit Details Maybank Premier SaveUp Account Interest Rates

  Base Interest
First $3k 0.15% p.a.
Next $47k 0.25% p.a.
$50k & above 0.25% p.a.


Exclusively for Maybank Premier clients only

Minimum average daily balance of $1,000

Comes with debit card which is linked to the SaveUp Premier Account and Maybank Online Banking

Earn base interest of 0.15% p.a. for first $3,000 of account balance, 0.25% p.a. on next $47,000 of account balance and 0.25% p.a. on all balances above $50,000

Highest effective interest of 0.2485% p.a. for account balance of $200,000


Deposit Interest Rates Maybank Premier SaveUp Account Interest Rates Computation

  First $150k Next $25k Next $25k Effective Rate
Base Interest 0.248% p.a. 0.25% p.a. 0.25% p.a. 0.2485% p.a.
1st Financial Product 0.80% p.a. 1.00% p.a. 1.50% p.a. 0.91% p.a.
2nd Financial Product 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. 2.00% p.a. 1.56% p.a.
3rd Financial Product 3.25% p.a. 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a. 3.41% p.a.
4th Financial Product 4.00% p.a. 4.50% p.a. 7.75% p.a. 4.53% p.a.
Total 4.25% p.a. 7.00% p.a. 8.00% p.a. 4.78% p.a.


Get an effective interest rates of up to 4.78% p.a. (4.53% + 0.2485%) on your first $200,000 savings when you take up 4 eligible financial products with Maybank

Earn up to 0.91% p.a. bonus interest when you take up 1 eligible financial product

Earn up to 1.56% p.a. bonus interest when you take up 2 eligible financial products

Earn up to 3.41% p.a. bonus interest when you take up 3 eligible financial products

Earn up to 4.53% p.a. bonus interest when you take up 4 eligible financial products


Eligible Maybank financial products include

Bonus Interest for 1 Month

Salary Credit (min $6,000 a month) and/or Outward GIRO (min $1,000 a month)

Deposits (min ave daily balance of $400,000)

Spend $1,500 on Maybank Premier Wealth World Mastercard

Dual Currency Investments (min $100,000)


Bonus Interest for 3 Months

Structured Deposits (min $100,000)


Bonus Interest for 12 Months

Unit Trust (min $75,000)

Single Premium Insurance (min $150,000)

Structured Notes (min $200,000)

Bonds (min $200,000)

Local Home Loan (min $800,000)

Regular Premium Insurance (min $10,000 a month)

Foreign Home Loan (min $500,000)

Car Loan (min $75,000)


Click here to go to Maybank website for more details about SaveUp Premier Account

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Maybank Premier SaveUp Account Review

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