Last updated on 2024-08-23
Watsons is Singapore’s leading health and beauty retailer operating more than 100 stores countrywide. In addition to providing health and beauty products on both its online and offline stores, Watsons also has pharmacies manned by qualified pharmacists located within selected stores. These pharmacies offer services such as advice on medication, medicine dispensing and health screening packages. Watsons have a membership programme where members can earn points for online or offline spend on their Watsons store. They also hold regular online promotions for both members and non-members which are as good if not better than their in-store promotions.
Step 1 : Click on the "Click Here" to reveal the appropriate promo code needed. A promo code will be revealed below the "Promo Code : "and a new window will direct you to Watsons
Step 2 : Proceed to do your shopping on Watsons in the new window
Step 3 : When you are checking out your shopping cart, apply the promo code revealed earlier on our website on the right side of the checkout page under the heading "Promotion Code"
$20 off Watsons with min. $200 spend when you pay with OCBC Cards
Valid until 24 Feb 2025
to start shopping now
$5 / $4 off your first purchase on Watsons with min. $50 / $40 spend for new Watsons Members
to use and reveal Promo Code below