Money Lobang

MariBank Savings Account

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Rating: 0 Star0.0/5.0 (0 Reviews)
Interest Rate 2.70% Image
Min. Deposit $0 Image

Last updated on 2024-07-02

MariBank Savings Account Review

Pros Pros

Decent interest rates for a no-frills savings account

No minimum deposit or requirements

Easy to open account

Cons Cons

Limited time period for promo rate

Deposit Details MariBank Savings Account Interest Rates

First $100k 2.70% p.a.


Earn 2.70% p.a. interest (Until 31 Dec 2024, to be revised to 2.50% p.a. thereafter)

Interest credited daily

No penalties or fees

No minimum spend or salary crediting needed

No minimum deposit

Fund account using FAST bank transfer or PayNow


Click here to go to MariBank website for more details

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MariBank Savings Account Review

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