Last updated on 2024-08-23 is an international online travel agency that provide booking services for hotels, flight and train tickets, car rentals, airport transfers, tours and attraction tickets. They offer regular promotional deals as well as promo codes and vouchers for their users. In addition, members can access savings of up to 50% and earn Trip Coins which can be used to offset future bookings.
Step 1 : Click on the "Click Here" to reveal the appropriate promo code needed. A promo code will be revealed below the "Promo Code : "and a new window will direct you to
Step 2 : Proceed to book the hotel and room of your choice in the new window. Some promo codes require you to make the booking using our stated links
Step 3 : Apply the promo code revealed earlier on our website near the bottom of the payment page in the "Promo Code" section
50% off your flight booking on Mondays on when you pay with DBS Credit Cards or POSB Credit Cards
Booking period every Monday at 12pm from now until 30 Jun 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
50% off's App economy-class return flights every Friday when you pay with Citi Credit Cards (capped at SGD200 per transaction)
Valid from 12pm every Friday until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
$100 / $50 off your flight booking on with minimum $800 / $400 spend when you pay with OCBC Credit Cards
$100 / $50 off your hotels booking on with minimum $800 / $400 spend when you pay with OCBC Credit Cards
$60 off your flight / hotels booking on with minimum $500 spend when you pay with OCBC Credit Cards for new users only
Valid from now until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
$100 / $50 off your flight with minimum $1,000 / $500 spend on when you pay with DBS Credit Cards or POSB Credit Cards
$100 / $50 off your hotel with minimum $1,000 / $500 spend on when you pay with DBS Credit Cards or POSB Credit Cards
$60 off your flight / hotels with minimum $500 spend on when you pay with DBS Credit Cards or POSB Credit Cards for new users only
Booking period valid until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
$100 off your flight / hotel booking on with minimum $800 spend when you pay with DCS Credit Cards
$50 off your flight / hotel booking on with minimum $400 spend when you pay with DCS Credit Cards
$10 off your flight / hotel booking on with minimum $150 spend when you pay with DCS Credit Cards
Booking period valid until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
$100 / $50 off your flight booking on with minimum $800 / $400 spend when you pay with Citibank Credit Cards
$100 / $50 off your hotels booking on with minimum $800 / $400 spend when you pay with Citibank Credit Cards
$60 off your flight / hotels booking on with minimum $500 spend when you pay with Citibank Credit Cards for new users only
Valid from now until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
$50 off hotel / flight bookings on with minimum $500 spend when you pay with HSBC Credit Cards
Booking period valid until 31 Dec 2025
to make a local booking now
US$20 / US$6 off your hotel / flight booking with min. US$250 spend on when you pay with Visa Credit Cards
Booking period valid from now until 31 Mar 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below
12% / 8% off your Airport Transfer / Car Rental on with no min. spend
to start booking now
8% / 6% off your hotel booking on
2% off your flightbooking on using NS LifeSG credits
Booking period valid from now until 30 Apr 2025
to book your flight now
7% / 2% off your flights / hotels booking on with no minimum spend when you pay with Maybank Credit Cards
Booking period valid from now until 31 Dec 2025
to use and reveal Promo Code below