Last updated on 2022-09-11
Free property listing is available for all users of
Listings are valid for 90 days after which users are required to resubmit their property listing if they wish to continue to post their property listing on our website. Property listing dates will be refreshed to reflect the dates of resubmission after expiry.
Users do not need a account to submit or amend their property listing but are encouaged to create an account as account holders are able to view and track personal property listings and their validity. They can also check latest reviews on property listings that they have previously reviewed.
Users may amend details about their property listing anytime but property listing dates will not be refreshed to reflect dates of amendments but will continue to show initial property listing date or date of resubmission after expiry.
No duplicate property listings with priority given to property owners in the event there are more than one listing for the same property. Kindly contact us to remove property listing.
Users are required to fill in all required details in our free property listing submission form failing which reserves the right to not add your property listing to our website.
Prices quoted must accurately reflect the asking price and property listings with "questionable prices" that do not reflect actual asking prices will not be posted or removed entirely.
Users are responsible for the accuracy for all facts and figures with regards to their property listing.
Users must not infringe any copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right in their property listing.
Users are not allowed to post website links or contact details or personal information in the property description.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd reserves the right to amend or remove part or even the entire property listing to ensure accuracy of the listing so as to prevent false, inaccurate or misleading information.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd reserves the right to amend or remove part or even the entire property listing if it is deemed to be abusive, racist, offensive, vulgar or with overly suggestive intentions to hurt or discriminate.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd reserves the right to amend or remove part or even the entire property listing to ensure the property listing contain only the necessary information with regards to the property for our visitors.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd reserves the right to amend or remove part or even the entire property listing at any signs of fraud, abuse or suspicious activity.
Money Lobang will retain the rights to the property photos that are posted on our website for the sake of promoting the website and property listings.
Money Lobang reserves the right to remove listings and ban members or users who do not follow our rules for listing properties on our website at our own discretion.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd will not be liable to compensate any users or visitors for any losses, expenses or claims resulting from their property listing on our website. Any dispute with potential homebuyers or homesellers should be resolved directly with them.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd is acting as neutral third party for property buyers and sellers and are in no way related to any of them. We may give our advice and suggestions to users upon request or through the form of reviews and articles but it is up to each user's discretion to follow or act on the advice or suggestion.
Money Lobang Ptd Ltd reserves the right to amend, remove or add on to any Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to amending all property listings or removing the whole property listing segment altogether. We shall not be liable for any claims, costs, expenses, losses or damages suffered as a result.