Money Lobang's National Average Fixed Deposit Rates is derived from a monthly national survey of fixed deposit rates at the largest consumer banks and finance companies in Singapore. The survey is conducted by collecting data for the highest fixed deposit rates for up to $75,000 deposits from each bank or finance company with 6 to 18 months tenure...
The age-old adage that interest earned from bank deposits will never beat inflation rates has been aggressively advocated by financial advisors and well-publicised in mass media. However, if this statement is always right, then why do people even bother depositing money in banks? Everybody should just invest all their excess money in financial products and be able to live comfortably...
SORA is the acronym for Singapore Overnight Rate Average and is the average interest rate that Singapore banks charge to lend to each other overnight. SORA is based on recorded past transactions and is more predictable and less volatile compared to other reference rates and hence is regularly used as a reference rate where loans are pegged to..
SORA, Fixed Deposit Linked Rates and Board Rates are some of the most common reference rates that Singapore banks peg their floating rate loans to. Other reference rates include SOR, SIBOR and Combo Rates. The reference rates are updated daily and may be the average of 1 month rates, 3 month rates, 6 month rates or even 12 month rates. Choosing a loan with the right reference rate can help a borrower save on loan repayments every month...
Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) are a type of specially-issued Singapore Government Securities (SGSs) that is meant for Singaporeans who want to increase their savings but at a risk-free way. This offer is exclusively available only for individual Singapore retail investors and aims to complement the other options available to grow their eggnest...
The latest issue of Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) have average yields of 2.83% per annum for a 1 year holding period and 2.97% per annum for a 10 years holding period. The minimum investment is $500 with a maximum holding of $200,000 at any point of time. The holding period for SSBs can be up to 10 years with investors being able to redeem their bonds at any point in time without any penalty...
Are you sick of living from hands to mouth every month? Don't worry; you are not the only one facing this problem. Many individuals have problems managing their personal finance as they could never quite figure out where did their pay checks go to. To make things worse, personal finance is never taught in school and most people just adopt their financial habits from their parents, peers or whoever that has a large influence on his/her life...