Money Lobang

RHB Smart Account

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Interest RateUp to 2.85% Image
Min. Deposit RM1,000 Image

Last updated on 2021-05-20

RHB Smart Account Review

Pros Pros

Potentially high interest / profit rate

High 2.00% p.a. bonus interest / profit for monthly deposit condition

Cons Cons

Bonus interest / profit rates subjected to monthly deposit, bills payment and credit card spend

High min. monthly deposit of RM2k to satisfy monthly deposit condition

Low 0.50% p.a. bonus interest / profit for bills payment condition

Low 0.50% p.a. bonus interest / profit for credit card spend condition

Low 0.25% p.a. base interest / profit rate

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Deposit Details RHB Smart Account Interest Rates

Enjoy up to 2.85% p.a. interest / profit on RHB Smart Current Account / Account-i when you save, pay, spend and invest with RHB

Minimum account balance of RM1,000

No joint account allowed


Deposit Interest Rates RHB Smart Account Interest Rates Computation

  Interest / Profit
Base Rate 0.05% p.a.
Deposit Bonus 1.80% p.a.
Bills Bonus 0.50% p.a.
Spend Bonus 0.50% p.a.
Total 2.85% p.a.


Earn base interest / profit of 0.05% p.a. on your daily account balance (min. RM1,000)

Earn 1.80% p.a. bonus interest / profit and qualify for other bonus payouts when you deposit a minimum of RM2,000 every month

Earn 0.50% p.a. bonus interest / profit when you pay at least 3 bills via RHB Now Internet or Mobile Banking every month

Earn 0.50% p.a. bonus interest / profit when you spend at least RM1,000 on your RHB Debit or Credit Cards every month

Invest a minimum of RM1,000 monthly with selected RHB investment products and get 1.00% bonus payout based on nett investment amount

The maximum effective interest / profit is 2.85% p.a. on the first RM100,000 of your account balance + any extra bonus payout due to investments


Click here to go to RHB Bank's website for more details

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RHB Smart Account Review

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