There is nothing better than cold hard cash as an incentive for a credit card signup but nobody really bothers to compare between the credit cards. This is mainly due to the fact that credit cards signup promotions change all the time and it is simply too tideous to scour through the fine print to understand what are the conditions to be fulfilled to attain the elusive cashback...
Everyone loves a free holiday and unless you got lucky and won one at a lucky draw, the other easy way out of Singapore to your dream holiday is through a free flight completely redeemed through free air miles. As previously mentioned on How my Wedding Expenses Paid for Free SQ Flight for Honeymoon, it is completely possible to spend and earn enough air miles to redeem for free flights using the right credit cards...
One can simply sign up for a credit card to receive a free luaggage bag. Banks and financial institutions often give away free travel luggage bags to attract credit card sign ups. The minimum requirements to qualify for the free luggage bag can vary between the various credit cards. The type of luggage bag to be given also differs..